
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Posts Tagged with "God"

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Wartime Realities


I may feel exhausted or discouraged or wounded by events in my life, but do I recognize the underlying battle? ...

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Celebrating the Spirit


God had kept his promise and given his Holy Spirit to the disciples. And now he was giving it to all who trusted in Christ for salvation. ...

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Every Syllable

every syllable

“How long this world will suffer, how long I will suffer… Do you hear my cries? Do you know the brokenness?”...

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Crying Out to a God Who Cares

Crying outto agod who cares

Turns out, I may be pretty good at structuring a prayer, and asking for spiritual-sounding things, but this weekend God reminded me that I’ve also been pretty good at missing the point of prayer....

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The Overcomers


As broken as this earthly existence can be, there are eternal promises that break through and transcend the brokenness....

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White Stone


Much like the city of Pergamum, I followed the only way I had known, and in doing so I had no compass for my life......

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A Better Tower

A Better Tower

You see, it’s not that God is against towers. He’s building a huge one for us to enjoy......

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How Many Nations Under God?


Living under the new covenant of Jesus’ blood, we also get to see the beautiful picture of Jesus drawing people from every nation, tribe, and tongue to Himself....

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There’s nothing like a natural disaster to inspire people to ask deep questions about the meaning of life, justice, and the existence of evil and hardship. ...

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Fear & The Flood

Fear &The Flood

The rainbow is not a promise that life will get better after experiencing a storm. The rainbow is the promise that God will send a rescue, that God will be our refuge....

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Far as the Curse is Found

Far as the curseis found

I feel glimmers of joy as I walk the aisles of Target perusing Christmas decorations or when I’m driving in my car listening to 24-7 Christmas radio, but I also feel sad....

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A Risky Call

a risky call

Entering into moments of vulnerability consciously and intentionally is risky, but it stops shame in it’s tracks....

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The Good Fight

The good fight

The great news is, we already know how the battle ends....

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Shame and Sin

Shame &Sin

Satan placed doubt of God's goodness and sovereignty in the minds of Adam and Eve just as sin does to us now. Instead of looking to God, we look to the “Tree” for our fulfillment......

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The Grand Narrative

The Grand Narrative

God addresses the chaos of humanity through the living Word, the incarnate Jesus. Do you believe that? God has intervened. God is still intervening....

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Context Matters


Sometimes, hard things happen, and they’re just hard, and no ah-ha moment comes later when you realize how every painful piece of the puzzle was indeed working together for your good. ...

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Heaven is Our Home

Heavenis OurHome

I sit there and soak it up with a candle lit and music playing, because the orderliness of the house makes me feel in control and relaxed for the 5 minutes that it stays that way. Maybe heaven will smell like cleanliness and soap... ...

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Real Rest

Real Rest

How often do I “rest” by binging on show after show? Or fritter my time away on silly articles on Twitter or Reddit? Or squander my Saturday on a unimportant book?...

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Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled

Let Not your hearts be troubled

As we deal with so much uncertainty in this life, what do we do with that? More often than not, we try to create safety, security, comfort, “home” in the temporary things of this world....

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Made Alive in Christ

Made aliveinChrist

"Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul" -Mark Twain ...

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Hospitality: A Story of Love

A story of love

This Sunday, as we unpacked hospitality, and love was intertwined in every part. Fear creates exclusive community, but love gives way to inclusive hospitality....

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home heading

The good news is God is a homemaking God....

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How Long?

How Long?

In Daniel’s vision, the journey for God’s people is long and painful, and begs the question; will God’s people finish? Will his purposes prevail? How long must we endure before we feel the relief of redemption?...

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Promises Kept


When we are faced with “the writing on the wall”, when God’s Holy presence in our lives unsettles and awakens us to reality- where do we run?...

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Praying for Serenity


It is so tempting to pray for circumstances to change, to get mad at God when they don’t, and to hold a grudge of resentment rather than “accept with serenity” the things that cannot be changed. ...

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Obadiah: a Lesson in Brotherly Love

As we are recipients of God’s love, we all have the vocation of being conduits of God’s love toward others. ...

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Fierce, Avenging, and Good

"Safe?" said Mr. Beaver, "Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good."...

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Authority to Commission, Presence in the Mission

Jesus was not an inspiring person who called his followers to inspiring, yet ultimately impossible tasks. Instead, Jesus is the creator and king of all that there is, and with full authority over it all he sends his people to the work of drawing all men and women to himself, while he walks by our sides and never forsakes us....

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Using Psalm 121 in Ministry to One Another

Unpacking Psalm 121 as a picture of life's journey and God's protection. ...

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Ordinary Romance

Practical steps for cultivating intimacy in marriage. ...

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Considering Christ in Culture's Messages About Sex

Today's culture sends all kinds of messages about sexuality, and God's Word speaks to each and every one of them. ...

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How Our Cultural Context Shapes Our Views of Sexuality

Our priority as a church is to be a faithful presence of Jesus in a broken world, that we would live, speak and serve as the very presence of Jesus, and this includes in the area of sexuality....

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Being a Part of God's Love Story

We know the Disney movies that end in riding off into the sunset, living happily ever after, etc. As a child, my favorite parts were watching the prince transform throughout the movie. The beast, the frog, the thief became the perfect prince all while the girl remained sinless. I wanted this for myself......

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Becoming a Grace-filled Family

Family is frustrating, right? We use our words to hurt, control, garner favor, win. We use non-verbals to back up the verbals, showing our disgust. But God gives grace--and grace allows for a family to be built not on conditions, but on unconditional love and acceptance. In this post, Pastor Justin shares some ideas on becoming a grace-full family. ...

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Lament as Worship: A Prayer Over Our Hurting Nation

Lament is to be a regular rhythm of our worship. Lament awakens us to the realities of our world and the disorientations of our life. This past week has seen violence and revenge along racial lines. It won't be done away with by a quick prayer. Lamenting helps us to remember and repent and cry out to the only One that can help. ...

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