
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Posts Tagged with "service"

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Carrying On

Carrying ON

Daniel knows what is coming in the future, and marches on. He doesn't flee or hide under a rock. Like Daniel, God leads us through this wilderness and we rise and fall, waiver and remain....

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Mission vs. Worship


There is such an urgent need for Jesus in this city that it becomes overwhelming and easy to give up on people and our mission. ...

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Mercy in the Real World

In this real world where we live, God calls us to have faith, both in doing the works he puts in front of us and in trusting him for the results (visible or otherwise) that they may or may not achieve....

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An Oasis of Justice

If we get nothing else from Amos, we should get some holy discomfort....

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La Mesa Ministry Update

La Mesa Food Distribution ministry update....

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A Little Post about Crossroads' Leadership Sync

Why does a meeting like this matter? ...

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Ordinary Romance

Practical steps for cultivating intimacy in marriage. ...

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Our Marriages Are Not Our Own

Our marriages are not our own, they are His. Our families are not our own, they are His. Our household is not our own. It is His. ...

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