August 15, 2019
by Stephen Siebert
| Tags: grace, Mercy, cynicism
"We are to show the same mercy to others that God has been given to us. This is convicting for me when I look at my own life. I think of all the ways that I sin everyday and feel the weight of the judgement I deserve. However, knowing that I am saved by the sacrifice Christ made on the cross makes that weight disappear."...
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June 14, 2018
by Bronwyn Siebert
Sermon Reflection
| Tags: gospel, albuquerque, Idolatry, Deliverance, holy spirit, hope, blog, grace, Mercy, Sin, Church, Truth, Strength, enemy, Albuquerque Church, Church blog, Encouragement, Temptation, Satan, Spiritual Warfare, Devil, Deceit, Threats, Revelation, Bookends
So here I sit, wrestling through this reality, all the while examining areas of my life where my worship is misplaced. How have I been duped? ...
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May 31, 2018
by Josh Spare
| Tags: albuquerque, Idolatry, pride, heart, blog, Church, Truth, Albuquerque Church, Sermon Reflection, Church blog, Revelation, Bookends, Believe, Repentance, Perceive, Conviction, Self-centeredness, Mercy, Temptation
...the Revelation of John for things to come points to a people so engrossed in their self-sufficiency that the thunder of heaven cannot turn their unrepentant hearts - how much like that are we? How much like that am I? ...
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May 10, 2018
by River Reifenrath
| Tags: albuquerque, Sovereignty, hope, love, grace, provision, Mercy, Church, fear, Wrath, Albuquerque Church, Sermon Reflection, Sermon, Church blog, Picture, Genesis, Revelation, Bookends, Art, Impressions, Artist
My trials and suffering feel like the squashing of color and blurring of lines to the point that my portrait isn’t the perfect and skilled mimesis of what the world expects. Yet, there is so much more depth, so much more character. ...
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April 4, 2018
by Joanna Hinks
| Tags: gospel, albuquerque, easter, hope, Mercy, Church, Albuquerque Church, Church blog, Savior, Foolishness, April Fools, Audacity, Miracle
When I realized a few months ago that Easter fell on April 1 this year, I initially saw it as incongruous - the high point of the Church calendar juxtaposed with the a day of playful trickery. ...
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January 18, 2018
by Joanna Hinks
| Tags: justice, sacrifice, hope, blog, Jesus, Mercy, God, Church, Church blog, Renewal, Evil, Creation, Genesis, Flood, Newness, New Creation, Attonement, albuquerque, Albuquerque Church
There’s nothing like a natural disaster to inspire people to ask deep questions about the meaning of life, justice, and the existence of evil and hardship.
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September 8, 2017
by Carly Haynes
| Tags: albuquerque, heaven, blog, Jesus, Mercy, God, home, Reflection, Comfort, Albuquerque Church, Sermon, Church blog, Lord, Peace, Hogar, Longing, Desire, Savior
I sit there and soak it up with a candle lit and music playing, because the orderliness of the house makes me feel in control and relaxed for the 5 minutes that it stays that way. Maybe heaven will smell like cleanliness and soap... ...
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August 17, 2017
by Carly Haynes
| Tags: gospel, abq, blog, love, Jesus, flesh, grace, Conflict, Relationship, Mercy, God, Sin, Church, Life, Racism, Albuquerque Church, Church blog, Peace, Longing, Renewal, Evil, Humanity, Charlottesville, News
"Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul" -Mark Twain
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August 10, 2017
by Emily Leslie
| Tags: Community, Fellowship, gospel, albuquerque, blog, love, Jesus, Mercy, God, Table, Hospitality, Compassion, Church blog, Communion, Host, Hosting, Gathering, Serving, Guest
This Sunday, as we unpacked hospitality, and love was intertwined in every part. Fear creates exclusive community, but love gives way to inclusive hospitality....
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June 8, 2017
by Stephen Siebert
| Tags: albuquerque, Worship, hope, ministry, service, mission, Mercy, Love the city, Church, missional living, Christianity, Love People, ABQ Church, Love God, Calling, Church blog, blog
There is such an urgent need for Jesus in this city that it becomes overwhelming and easy to give up on people and our mission. ...
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May 18, 2017
by Josh Spare
| Tags: gospel, albuquerque, abq, prayer, trust, Mercy, Control, Albuquerque Church, Daniel, Church blog, Destiny, Fate, Conquered, Poetry
How silly to think that large statutes and grand works will last beyond a lifetime! And yet, as Pastor Justin reminds us, we must see ourselves in Nebuchadnezzar’s quest for transcendence, for meaning, for a legacy. ...
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April 13, 2017
by Philip Noell
| Tags: gospel, albuquerque, abq, holy, grace, Mercy, Christ, Church, Lent, It is Finished, Holy Week, Cross, ABQ Church
I wonder how the priests felt every day when they went into the temple and saw the curtain that separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the temple. Did they look at it with dread? Or curiosity? Or maybe they longed to be in God's presence just for a moment even if it killed them......
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March 9, 2017
by Michael Leslie
| Tags: forgiveness, trust, love, Mercy, Christ, Help, Reliance, Restoration, Salvation
Our God taking destruction and disaster, creating restoration and reconciliation time and time again in both what we read in the Bible and within our own lives....
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March 3, 2017
by Pr. David Breidenbach
| Tags: forgiveness, Mercy, the gospel, Lent, The Cross
We forget what it is that brought us to the foot of the cross, in the first place - our sin and helplessness to do anything about it ourselves. The veil of distraction and ignorance so easily envelops us and soon we become desensitized and disengaged from the incredible and profound message of a God who loves us like no other!...
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January 26, 2017
| Tags: love, Mercy, God, humility, Brotherly love, love your neighbor, love your enemy
As we are recipients of God’s love, we all have the vocation of being conduits of God’s love toward others. ...
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January 13, 2017
by Josh Spare
| Tags: gospel, justice, faith, hope, Mercy, Pain, Religion, Suffering
We, as Christians, have the privilege of engaging with our Creator, demanding a response for evil that seems contrary to His very character, and throwing ourselves into the eternal love that began between the Trinity and has been mercifully extended to us....
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January 5, 2017
| Tags: justice, faith, ministry, service, mission, Mercy, Accountability, Love the city, Perseverance
In this real world where we live, God calls us to have faith, both in doing the works he puts in front of us and in trusting him for the results (visible or otherwise) that they may or may not achieve....
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December 16, 2016
| Tags: gospel, justice, Mercy, Life, Compassion
That God would give us hearts desiring to see justice "roll down like waters" so that bearing the name of Christ will be much more than an adjective in our lives.
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December 15, 2016
by Justin Edgar
| Tags: prayer, justice, service, Mercy, Life, Compassion, Action
If we get nothing else from Amos, we should get some holy discomfort....
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August 11, 2016
by Justin Edgar
| Tags: culture, Context, Cultural Context, Authenticity, Sexuality, Perceptions, Views, Jesus, grace, Mercy, God, Christ, gospel, Sex
Our priority as a church is to be a faithful presence of Jesus in a broken world, that we would live, speak and serve as the very presence of Jesus, and this includes in the area of sexuality....
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July 13, 2016
by Justin Edgar
| Tags: prayer, Lament, US, Nation, County, World, Discrimination, Racial Sin, Injustice, Mourn, Mourning, Broken, Fallen, Mercy, Jesus, Pain, Hurt, Lamentations, Sorrow, Chaos, Apathy, Violence, Grief, God, Marginalized, Racist, Vengeful, Dallas, Texas, St. Paul, Minnesota, Baton Rouge, Baghdad, Istanbul, US Embassy, Saudi Arabia, albuquerque, abq, San Antonio, Valdosta, Georgia, Balwin, Missouri, New Mexico, Lamenting
Lament is to be a regular rhythm of our worship. Lament awakens us to the realities of our world and the disorientations of our life. This past week has seen violence and revenge along racial lines. It won't be done away with by a quick prayer. Lamenting helps us to remember and repent and cry out to the only One that can help. ...
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