
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Posts Tagged with "Desire"

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A Liturgical Audit


Jesus asks, “What do you love?” Notice the question isn’t what do you believe or what do you think, but what do you love. This is because humans are desiring creatures. We are lovers. What drives us is what we love....

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What Do You Love?

buried (3)

"Jesus is trying to get the man to see what he really loves. Justin reminded us that looking and loving comes tied together. It is tremendous grace that God reveals our hearts and helps us reorient them."...

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Heaven is Our Home

Heavenis OurHome

I sit there and soak it up with a candle lit and music playing, because the orderliness of the house makes me feel in control and relaxed for the 5 minutes that it stays that way. Maybe heaven will smell like cleanliness and soap... ...

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Uncomfortable Love


If I truly understand that God loves me, not just in some generic sense but intensely and personally, it changes everything. Love like that isn’t something that can be met with indifference, any more than I could respond to a marriage proposal with a shrug....

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home heading

The good news is God is a homemaking God....

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