
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Posts Tagged with "sacrifice"

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Offering & Renewed Generosity

offering & renewed generosity

"He gives us the opportunity each week to praise him with thankful hearts, and one of those ways is giving money. It’s hard for me to do this with rejoicing, probably because I’m so thankless. I forget that everything I have is God’s, I forget all that God has done for me, and I forget that giving is an opportunity God gives us to worship him rather than a drudgery o...

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Wartime Realities


I may feel exhausted or discouraged or wounded by events in my life, but do I recognize the underlying battle? ...

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A Better Tower

A Better Tower

You see, it’s not that God is against towers. He’s building a huge one for us to enjoy......

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There’s nothing like a natural disaster to inspire people to ask deep questions about the meaning of life, justice, and the existence of evil and hardship. ...

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Context Matters


Sometimes, hard things happen, and they’re just hard, and no ah-ha moment comes later when you realize how every painful piece of the puzzle was indeed working together for your good. ...

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Open Hands

Open Hands

You see, I’m not that different from Nebuchadnezzar. He wanted to build a legacy for himself, and he did. Just like him, I’m trying to build a legacy… And I’m anxious when I think that I might not accomplish these goals or, even worse, that having accomplished them I might see them taken away from me. ...

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To Know and Still Love

To know & Still Love

The love that can really change things here in our city, that redeeming love, is always sacrificial. My gut reaction to this is to wonder if I can schedule that into my life: like maybe I have a window on Monday mornings I could give sacrificial love to my city. After all, I’m a busy person. But what would it mean for me to just start to go about my day caring more, noti...

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On Being Gomer

So whats good about being Gomer? That's my question for us. What's good about being the wayward bride? ...

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Ordinary Romance

Practical steps for cultivating intimacy in marriage. ...

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