
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Posts Tagged with "faith"

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Paradoxes and Weaknesses


I don’t have to deny or hide my weakness because the beauty of them is they point to a God who promises to make me new....

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God Speaks, Goodness Abounds

God Speaks,Goodness Abounds

It’s not that God was any less present to them or working any fewer miracles of deliverance and preservation among them over those years; it’s just that they stopped seeing Him. They stopped recognizing His faithfulness to them. And I do the same thing. ...

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The Problem of Suffering: Habakkuk

We, as Christians, have the privilege of engaging with our Creator, demanding a response for evil that seems contrary to His very character, and throwing ourselves into the eternal love that began between the Trinity and has been mercifully extended to us....

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Mercy in the Real World

In this real world where we live, God calls us to have faith, both in doing the works he puts in front of us and in trusting him for the results (visible or otherwise) that they may or may not achieve....

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Fierce, Avenging, and Good

"Safe?" said Mr. Beaver, "Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good."...

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To Listen with Faith and Wonder

Faithfully reading the Bible means that we don't wait for the text to amaze us. We have to sit with it, attend to it....

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