
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Archives for August 2019

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Time Marches On

Time Marches On

"When the weight of the day, the missed opportunities, my discontentment, the sorrow I feel over a life lost, hits me as I climb into bed at night, I need the Lord to redeem my days. Time marches on. But, I serve a God who is outside of time, who planned all my days since before he created the world and who gives me new mercies each morning."...

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Practicing Mercy

Practicing Mercy

"We are to show the same mercy to others that God has been given to us. This is convicting for me when I look at my own life. I think of all the ways that I sin everyday and feel the weight of the judgement I deserve. However, knowing that I am saved by the sacrifice Christ made on the cross makes that weight disappear."...

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Choose Your Words

Untitled design (8)

"Speaking truth in love (even to, or about ourselves) and asking forgiveness is a very important part in growing God’s people here on Earth. It is in this way that we can “Walk as children of light” (Eph. 5:8)." ...

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