
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Posts Tagged with "heaven"

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The Now and Not Yet of Sunday Worship

The Now and Not yet of sunday worship

"And when we gather at City Pres we sing about this gathering in the future that will be different. We don’t look like it yet, but we still sing of it in confession and hope. In our ‘not-yet gatherings’ we confess our failures. We are a broken communion of called out ones in a broken world. But we also confess our hope. Our hope that this will be different. In ...

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Crushing the Serpent’s Head

What was once unending, immediate, and bountifully provided, within a few bites of fruit was now cursed with enmity, great pain, and toil. Marriage was once to be harmonious and is now divisive, pain is brought forth at the births of our children, God is farther away from us and we dig through thistles for fruit. ...

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Heaven is Our Home

Heavenis OurHome

I sit there and soak it up with a candle lit and music playing, because the orderliness of the house makes me feel in control and relaxed for the 5 minutes that it stays that way. Maybe heaven will smell like cleanliness and soap... ...

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