
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Archives for January 2021

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Bound to God

bound to god

"The ten words were given by God to Moses for the people delivered from Egypt, who were wandering in the desert. God is binding Himself to this wandering people as a Father does to a Son. God has called His people to image Himself to the world, and when we obey these ten words from the Lord, we do just that."...

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Nothing Can Separate

nothing can separate

"Thankfully, God is there to remind me of the truths and promises that He gives to us. In the sermon text this week we see the passing of Jacob, his burial and his sons uncertainty of what the future holds for them. God continues to bless them so that they can carry on His story and pass on their faith. Hearing this is a great comfort to me because it reminds me that God...

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Count Your Blessings

count your blessings

"So where do you look for happiness and blessing? Are you like a child writing a letter to Santa, expecting good things to magically appear? Or like an adult who thinks they have to earn good things for themselves, trusting in the willpower generated by New Year’s resolutions? Maybe this year it’s time to try an Impossible Prayer Request instead. When I seek blessing f...

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