
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Archives for November 2018

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2018 Christmas Offering and Impossible Prayer Requests


2018 Christmas Offering and Impossible Prayers December is fast approaching, and with it comes Advent and Christmas. As part of our liturgy (remember this term isn't just about church, but about all our worship. A liturgy is a practice that organizes our worship or points us towards what we give worth to, it's like an arrow that points at a b...

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"Advent is a time of waiting and longing for the coming of Christ. We reflect on the centuries of waiting for the initial fulfillment of God’s promise to provide a savior, and we also long for the consummation of that promise when Christ returns to make all things new."...

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The Gospel of Sodom?

the gospel of sodom

"Like Lot, even the good things we do are tainted with sin. Like Lot, we don’t take God’s promised judgment seriously, and God saves us despite our own efforts and not because of them."...

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Lord, Thank You for Who You Are

lord, thank you for who you are

"He is the perfect intercessor, who doesn’t just ask God to find righteous people where there aren’t any, but makes people righteous so that God may relent from disaster."...

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Bitter Laughter


"I am so familiar with this type of laughter, and I identify deeply with it. The kind of laughter that hints at constant heartache, hysteria, and frustration, so much to a point that all you have left to do is laugh. Where were you all of this time, God? Why have you waited by as I have suffered?"...

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Sermon Reflection: Genesis 16

the chaos monster (2)

The question that rattled around in my head as I listened and reflected on Pastor Justin's sermon this week was "What promise?" Before I expand on that, let me take a few steps back to explain how I ended up where I am in my thinking. In this Series,The Gospel According to Abraham, we have returned to Genesis and have begun tracing the story of Abraham from his calling ou...

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Baseline Faith

the chaos monster (1)

"Our baseline faith is weak, wavering, broken, and often desperate, but God is tenacious in His assurance. He will reveal Himself in the everyday mundane, or the forty years of wandering in the desert, or enslavement in Egypt."...

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