
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Archives for February 2021

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God's Rest

god's rest

"We're called to rest and trust in God. As God says in Isaiah 30:15 “For thus said Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, 'In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.' But you were unwilling...”. God's call to us every week is to remember him and to rest in him. Instead of being a burden, the fourth commandment reminds us to st...

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"The profaning of God’s name reaches a climax in His Son’s earthly life. Jesus didn’t assume humanity to become a divine cheerleader. Rather, He came to be profanity for us. He was despised and rejected; one from whom men hide their faces. We esteemed Him not. Yet He opened not His mouth as He bore our iniquities (Isaiah 53). We profane God. But, God silently and hum...

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Sight-Limiting Perceptions

Sight- Limiting Perceptions

"Everyday requires an evaluation of our sight-limiting perceptions of God. Where are our graven images keeping us from hearing and understanding God when He speaks? How is our worship of the manmade image we’ve each created in our minds of Him causing us to believe He isn’t speaking, or even worse, causing us to imagine the words we think He should be speaking?"...

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