
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Capital Campaign


Click HERE to donate through Rebel Give

We have launched our capital campaign to raise funds to purchase our current building at 210 Truman! Owning the building will allow us more flexibility in how we use the space, and will also free up more of our monthly budget to go towards ministry opportunities instead of rent payments.  

Church Building Purchasing and Fundraising Facts

- $890K purchase price

- Funds raised will be used to for a significant down payment & improvements 

- Purchase strengthens ongoing and greater ministry and missions work

- Fewer budget constraints 

- Initial Fundraising Goal: $300-$500k or more 

What can you do?

- Pray: Pray that God would continue to direct our paths and make His will clear

- Give: Your support doesn't just help us purchase the building, but also helps position us to be a long-term presence and light in our city 

- Share: Please spread the word to others who may feel led to give, and let us know how we can help reach your networks 

  • Click HERE to download a letter you can send to potential donors
  • Click HERE to download a two sided informational document 
To Give:

- Click HERE to donate through our online giving platform, Rebel Give. Please select "Captial Campaign" under the dropdown menu.

- You can also give by check by making it out to City Presbyterian Church, writing "Capital Campaign" in the memo line. Checks can be placed in the offering basket at church or mailed to:

PO Box 35742

Albuquerque, NM 87176

If you'd like to donate through stocks, IRAs, etc. please contact Richard Jackson