Understanding Revelation

The book of Revelation, I have found, as I’m sure have many of you, is one of the books of the Bible where I really have a difficult time getting the message from my head to my heart....
Keep ReadingA faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.
February 24, 2022 by Justin Edgar
"We fail to remember that God is as the Psalmist describes: an abundant fountain, a river of delights, a full house, a radiant light. The Psalmist knows God never operates out of scarcity. Where we must begin with Deeper is recognizing the ever flowing depths of the fountain of God. He is living water, because it is always abundant and always flowing. Scarcity mindset keeps us from going deeper, because we are afraid the safety net either isn’t there or doesn’t go deep enough. We won’t risk, because we can’t. We can’t possibly risk such things. There might not be anything left. There might not be any left for me. We are all like Goldilocks lamenting lost porridge, broken chairs, and occupied beds. But God always has room and always makes room. He is an overflowing fountain."...
February 17, 2022 by Emily Spare
Abiding through the fall at City Pres meant holding on for dear life to your life preserver ring hoping the other side of the rope is attached to the rescue boat, continually clinging, continually waiting. But abiding in the new year at City Pres is what I think we’re being called into: “Deeper.” ...
February 22, 2018 by Rachel Whippo | Tags: Sermon Reflection, Genesis, Revelation, Bookends, Prophetic, Apocalyptic, bible study, blog, Church, Scripture, Albuquerque Church, Church blog, Pastoral Letter, Understanding
The book of Revelation, I have found, as I’m sure have many of you, is one of the books of the Bible where I really have a difficult time getting the message from my head to my heart....
Keep ReadingJanuary 24, 2014 | Category: Events | Tags: Fellowship, women, bible study
Giving of your life and love for Christ, sharing your experiences in the Lord is a natural progression in the faith. We were made for worship and for the glorification of our remarkable Savior. I have never felt as richly blessed as I continue to feel when I am with other sisters in Christ....
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