
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Archives for September 2017

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God Speaks, Goodness Abounds

God Speaks,Goodness Abounds

It’s not that God was any less present to them or working any fewer miracles of deliverance and preservation among them over those years; it’s just that they stopped seeing Him. They stopped recognizing His faithfulness to them. And I do the same thing. ...

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The Grand Narrative

The Grand Narrative

God addresses the chaos of humanity through the living Word, the incarnate Jesus. Do you believe that? God has intervened. God is still intervening....

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Context Matters


Sometimes, hard things happen, and they’re just hard, and no ah-ha moment comes later when you realize how every painful piece of the puzzle was indeed working together for your good. ...

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Heaven is Our Home

Heavenis OurHome

I sit there and soak it up with a candle lit and music playing, because the orderliness of the house makes me feel in control and relaxed for the 5 minutes that it stays that way. Maybe heaven will smell like cleanliness and soap... ...

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