Crying Out to a God Who Cares
Turns out, I may be pretty good at structuring a prayer, and asking for spiritual-sounding things, but this weekend God reminded me that I’ve also been pretty good at missing the point of prayer....
Keep ReadingA faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.
February 24, 2022 by Justin Edgar
"We fail to remember that God is as the Psalmist describes: an abundant fountain, a river of delights, a full house, a radiant light. The Psalmist knows God never operates out of scarcity. Where we must begin with Deeper is recognizing the ever flowing depths of the fountain of God. He is living water, because it is always abundant and always flowing. Scarcity mindset keeps us from going deeper, because we are afraid the safety net either isn’t there or doesn’t go deep enough. We won’t risk, because we can’t. We can’t possibly risk such things. There might not be anything left. There might not be any left for me. We are all like Goldilocks lamenting lost porridge, broken chairs, and occupied beds. But God always has room and always makes room. He is an overflowing fountain."...
February 17, 2022 by Emily Spare
Abiding through the fall at City Pres meant holding on for dear life to your life preserver ring hoping the other side of the rope is attached to the rescue boat, continually clinging, continually waiting. But abiding in the new year at City Pres is what I think we’re being called into: “Deeper.” ...
April 26, 2018 by Alyson Noell | Tags: Retreat, gospel, albuquerque, prayer, trust, holy spirit, hope, rest, God, Church, Reflection, Women's Ministry, Albuquerque Church, Church blog, Neediness, Son, Trinity, Interceding, Groaning, Comforting
Turns out, I may be pretty good at structuring a prayer, and asking for spiritual-sounding things, but this weekend God reminded me that I’ve also been pretty good at missing the point of prayer....
Keep ReadingJune 21, 2017 by Bronwyn Siebert | Category: Gospel | Tags: gospel, albuquerque, presence, Sovereignty, trust, God, Control, fear, Comfort, Albuquerque Church, ABQ Church, Daniel, Church blog
When we are faced with “the writing on the wall”, when God’s Holy presence in our lives unsettles and awakens us to reality- where do we run?...
Keep ReadingMay 25, 2017 by Philip Noell | Category: Gospel | Tags: gospel, albuquerque, Worship, glory, trust, sacrifice, pride, blog, ministry, Jesus, Church, Life, humility, Albuquerque Church, Daniel, Church blog, Plans, Legacy, Goals, Accomplishments
You see, I’m not that different from Nebuchadnezzar. He wanted to build a legacy for himself, and he did. Just like him, I’m trying to build a legacy… And I’m anxious when I think that I might not accomplish these goals or, even worse, that having accomplished them I might see them taken away from me. ...
Keep ReadingMay 18, 2017 by Josh Spare | Category: Gospel | Tags: gospel, albuquerque, abq, prayer, trust, Mercy, Control, Albuquerque Church, Daniel, Church blog, Destiny, Fate, Conquered, Poetry
How silly to think that large statutes and grand works will last beyond a lifetime! And yet, as Pastor Justin reminds us, we must see ourselves in Nebuchadnezzar’s quest for transcendence, for meaning, for a legacy. ...
Keep ReadingMarch 9, 2017 by Michael Leslie | Category: Gospel | Tags: forgiveness, trust, love, Mercy, Christ, Help, Reliance, Restoration, Salvation
Our God taking destruction and disaster, creating restoration and reconciliation time and time again in both what we read in the Bible and within our own lives....
Keep ReadingFebruary 23, 2017 by Emily Leslie | Category: Gospel | Tags: Renewed, Restoration, fear, trust, dependence, gospel
We want to be the hero, taking away our need for a savior. But that’s not the way God designed us, and that’s not how he promises to bring restoration....
Keep ReadingDecember 8, 2016 by Emily Leslie | Category: Gospel | Tags: anger, power, justice, trust, faith, God, Christ, Refuge, Strength, Reliance, Wrath
"Safe?" said Mr. Beaver, "Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good."...
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