
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Posts Tagged with "World"

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Reforming Our Loves

reforming our loves

"The liturgies of the world that I had been holding onto (worship of self and denial of God’s presence) came crashing down, as I admitted to God how extremely desperate I was to dwell in His love rather than in myself."...

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Imaging God in a Playboy World

Imaging God in a Playboy World

We look horizontally, rather than vertically, for our identity, forgetting that we are creatures made in the image of God - we try instead to fashion identities for ourselves based on other, lesser images. ...

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The Grand Narrative

The Grand Narrative

God addresses the chaos of humanity through the living Word, the incarnate Jesus. Do you believe that? God has intervened. God is still intervening....

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Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled

Let Not your hearts be troubled

As we deal with so much uncertainty in this life, what do we do with that? More often than not, we try to create safety, security, comfort, “home” in the temporary things of this world....

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Lean In, Not Away

"Can we know and still love?" That's the question....

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Lament as Worship: A Prayer Over Our Hurting Nation

Lament is to be a regular rhythm of our worship. Lament awakens us to the realities of our world and the disorientations of our life. This past week has seen violence and revenge along racial lines. It won't be done away with by a quick prayer. Lamenting helps us to remember and repent and cry out to the only One that can help. ...

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