
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Archives for November 2019

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Humility Undefiled

Humility Undefiled

"Jacob’s humility, though impressive is undermined by his actions that follow (lying and fleeing). Maybe Jacob was ultimately thinking about himself even during his reconciliation. But, the Holy One of Israel reveals pure love and humility…. He is the one for whom all things exist, but he made himself as nothing. Look outside yourself to that humility undefiled."...

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Pleading Prayers

Pleading PRayers

"Unlike Jacob’s, my pleading prayers have often sounded like wishful thinking. It is rare that I claim the promises of God for my son when I think of his healing. And my prayers often remain limited to what I expect God to do rather than opening them up to what aligns with His character. When I have not studied the character of God in depth, my prayers become based on ...

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God, Are you there?

God, Are you there_

"When I feel a conviction, who is it that provides that feeling within me? Where is it coming from? My uncanny observation of my self? Surely not. I am not aware enough of that - are you? But it comes from GOD. YHWH, or phonetically known as Yahweh. Our God is close enough to communicate with us to say “you sense that I am distant, but I am closer than your skin; within ...

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