
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

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Freedom in the New Year

Freedom in the new year

"A New Year’s resolution might improve your work efficiency, health, or marriage (at least for a few weeks-to-months). But, it’s not going to undo a curse or abolish death. Thankfully, Jesus did reverse this curse. Not by paying with gold or silver, but with his own blood. Because of this, you now have freedom from the burden of earning your way into God’s good fa...

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Born that men no more may die

Born that Men no more may die

"I can remember the darkened room and the songs playing. And I can remember weeping, next to my friend who wept, as we both were swept up in the beauty of grace, in the newness of life we both believed was now ours. Jesus was born so that I could know him deeply & intimately and be fully known. Jesus was born so I could have that moment." ...

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True Light

TRue Light

"As Christians, we know that Jesus is the one true light; He defeated darkness and with His light he drowns out all the lesser lights that we might be drawn to. Through belief in Him we become sons and daughters of light so that others might see Him through us. We are mere reflectors of the true light, so that others are not blinded immediately by the true light and have a...

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Whoosh & Boom of Christmas

Woosh & Boom of christmas2

"My friends, beholding Christ this season is not merely finding out how Christ can augment our understanding and our experience of Christmas. Behold our Christ means perceiving how Christ, taking on human form and coming as a crying and mewling babe, fundamentally reorients all of our traditions, all of our experiences, all of our joys, all of our sorrows, all of our hopes...

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Hope in Winter

Hope in Winter

"This world that we live in can seem dark at times, or all the time. However, we place our hope and trust in the One that has already come to defeat the darkness, and who will come again. Jesus has already won, and we came rest in him knowing that one day all things will be made right."...

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Humility Undefiled

Humility Undefiled

"Jacob’s humility, though impressive is undermined by his actions that follow (lying and fleeing). Maybe Jacob was ultimately thinking about himself even during his reconciliation. But, the Holy One of Israel reveals pure love and humility…. He is the one for whom all things exist, but he made himself as nothing. Look outside yourself to that humility undefiled."...

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Pleading Prayers

Pleading PRayers

"Unlike Jacob’s, my pleading prayers have often sounded like wishful thinking. It is rare that I claim the promises of God for my son when I think of his healing. And my prayers often remain limited to what I expect God to do rather than opening them up to what aligns with His character. When I have not studied the character of God in depth, my prayers become based on ...

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God, Are you there?

God, Are you there_

"When I feel a conviction, who is it that provides that feeling within me? Where is it coming from? My uncanny observation of my self? Surely not. I am not aware enough of that - are you? But it comes from GOD. YHWH, or phonetically known as Yahweh. Our God is close enough to communicate with us to say “you sense that I am distant, but I am closer than your skin; within ...

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Grace, No Matter What

Grace, No Matter What

"God used sinful, wretched, sick-hearted people, the lowly and lesser, people just Leah, Rachel, Jacob, and like us, to bring His son to the Earth, the ultimate atonement. I often laugh in amazement at the mysterious and backward ways that God works. The way that His ultimate plan and love for us is still seen to fruition and never foiled, although we make horrendous choic...

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Heav'n's Morning Breaks

Heav'n's morning breaks

“Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies”- things have felt heavy lately. Sometimes the brokenness of the world feels so weighty. As a family we have been processing a friend’s unexpected divorce, another friend’s mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer, a firefighter Stephen worked with shockingly took his own life last week. And I am left trying to wr...

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