
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Post Category: Sermon Reflection

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The Gospel and the gift registry

the gospel & the gift registry

"Finally getting back to the wedding registry analogy: for a people who wanted to show love for God but didn’t know what that looked like, here’s a list of some of the characteristics that please him. Not a checklist of duties to perform, but ideas for how our lives should be ordered “so that the word of God may not be reviled” (or in the positive sense, so that th...

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Duty into Joy

duty into joy

On Sunday, Jeff White reminded us of the danger and deceptiveness of legalism. As an Enneagram one, I tend to hold tightly to the right and wrong, black and white view of things. But, legalism infects and divides the church and destroys how Christ’s body was meant to live together. Legalism heightens our judgementalism and causes us to forget the beauty of the giver of t...

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The Formation of Character

formation of character

"This is what Arlen explains to divert us from the pitfall of trying to measure up to a list of virtues by completing a series of tasks. Rather, our formation of character, and in this case, the work of our lives conforming to Christ, takes that eulogy virtue formation which is not done by us and our works, but is done by the Spirit."...

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Filled with Mercy & Grace

filled with mercy & grace

"As a fellow ‘either/or’ thinker, living in the gray can bring anxiety. I need direction, I like expectations, and I value rules. However, when I don’t follow directions, live up to expectations, or obey rules, I get anxious, too. The shame sets in and I forget who I am in Christ. Yet, the Gospel eliminates this - my works, or my lack of works, does not qualify me to...

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Renewal: Repairing the Hole for Wholeness

Repairing the hole for wholeness

“That is what is so amazing about Jesus: He was woven together with us, built into us. His wholeness is our shalom. He is our peace literally. He is the one that repairs our vandalism to the peace that He has created through His very own body. He is repairer of the breach, the rebuilder of the ancient ruins, and in union with Him there is repair, wholeness and shalom.”...

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Capacity & Compassion

capacity & Compassion

"Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” When by God’s grace I’m able to help someone, it’s not my compassion being expressed - it’s Christ’s compassion. When I feel like I’m all dried up and have no capacity left to help others, Christ, who lives in me, has infinite capacity. Rather ...

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Searching for Follow-Through in my Resets


"But what if we were a community that could reset as individuals and as a body. For spiritual, physical, mental, familial health. We could be that light of forgiveness for each other and those around us. I know Justin said that he will be preaching on this for another couple of weeks. And I am glad. My prayer is that we as God’s Church would dig deep find our personal re...

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Sabbath Rest for the Poor in Spirit

Sabbath rest for the poor in spirit

"The Sabbath-rest that Justin reminded us of is available to us because of Christ’s work, not our own efforts. God rested on the Sabbath in creation because His work in Eden was finished. It was very good. Similarly, we can rest from our work on the Sabbath, and we can rest from our striving toward self-justification on any day, because Christ’s work on the cross is fi...

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Breathe, O Breath of God

breathe, o breath of God

“Breathe, O breath of God, breathe”. As Justin casually used this phrase in his sermon, this felt like my deepest prayer. I need the breath of God in my dry bones. I need Him to walk with me in the grey areas. I need Him to help me feel my sorrow and my joy, without guilt, without feeling like I have to bounce back to the other end of the spectrum. I need renewal, but ...

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Filled with the Spirit

blog of Pentecost Sunday

"This past Pentecost Sunday, we are reminded of the answer: my friends, we must be filled with the Spirit. When our emotions surge and our passions rise for truth and justice, we must be filled with the Spirit, for the Spirit, unlike our emotions, does not usurp the place of truth, but takes us to the person who is Truth Himself. When we think all the people around us are ...

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