
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

Post Category: Sermon Reflection

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Praying the Impossible


This Sunday as Justin started to reintroduce us to the heart behind the Impossible Prayer Requests, I felt my guard go up, for the fourth year in a row. As I mentioned in my write up for the advent devotional this year, the first two years I was so paralyzed with fear over asking and facing disappointment, I hid behind reason and judgement and bypassed participa...

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Bitter Laughter


"I am so familiar with this type of laughter, and I identify deeply with it. The kind of laughter that hints at constant heartache, hysteria, and frustration, so much to a point that all you have left to do is laugh. Where were you all of this time, God? Why have you waited by as I have suffered?"...

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Sermon Reflection: Genesis 16

the chaos monster (2)

The question that rattled around in my head as I listened and reflected on Pastor Justin's sermon this week was "What promise?" Before I expand on that, let me take a few steps back to explain how I ended up where I am in my thinking. In this Series,The Gospel According to Abraham, we have returned to Genesis and have begun tracing the story of Abraham from his calling ou...

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Signs of Faithfulness Between Already and Not Yet

genesis 12_10-20 (3)

"So while I continue to live in fear of being found out, I am reminded that Christ has already fully redeemed me, and that my value comes exclusively from Him. That value is completely independent of anything I might offer or pretend to offer, and that in fact is says more about His love and his grace if I acknowledge that I really had nothing to offer to begin with."...

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Genesis 12:10-20

genesis 12_10-20

"We are all longing to be loved. We long for something steadfast enough to put our trust in... but we are broken, and our relationships pay the price. God’s love is not the same, it isn’t’s resolute, more than we could ever hope or dream of."...

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The Time is Near

the time is near

Augustine wrote in hisConfessions, "What, then, is time? If no one asks me, I know; but if I wish to explain it to one who asks, I know not." I think this is a most astute observation of time, for I spend all my waking moments oriented around time - I wake up at this time; I go to work at this time; I spend this amount of time doing this task; I wasted this amount of time ...

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Weeds & Wheat

Weeds & Wheat

My confused and ignorant heart doesn’t win, because God’s plan is permanently set, unlike my wavering thoughts....

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A Tale of Two Women

A Tale of two women

There is a great temptation, we all face it, to look for our fulfillment, our meaning, our satisfaction in something or someone other than Jesus and His kingdom....

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Countering the Propaganda of Subtraction Narratives

Countering the Propaganda of Subtraction Narratives

What do I see as my ultimate goal and my story - what’s the point of my life? ...

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The Real Thing

The Real Thing

So here I sit, wrestling through this reality, all the while examining areas of my life where my worship is misplaced. How have I been duped? ...

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