
A faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.

God's Provision

God's provision

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in every way, always, having all sufficiency, you may abound in every good work” (1 Cor. 9:8). What gives meaning and substance to life? The Bible is full of instances when God both gives good things and when he takes them away. Why? It’s rarely as clear as in Genesis chapter 41. Here, Joseph explains to Pharaoh that, because seven years of famine will follow seven years of plenty, Pharaoh needs to store food from the plenty years now. In His mercy, God provided abundantly for Egypt before the famine. In His mercy, He raised up Joseph to direct the huge undertaking of storing all the food that would be needed to survive those seven years of famine. He gave food abundantly now so that there would be enough to provide for the needs of Egypt, and Joseph’s family, in the lean years.

Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 9:8 follow an exhortation from him to give generously to the pastors and missionaries in the church. It’s not always clear to me that God is providing abundantly for me. Do I really have enough time and money to abound in every good work? Joseph’s example of faithful service to God as a slave, and then as a prisoner, is eye-opening. God prepared Joseph for his role as second-in-command by first making him a slave, then a prisoner. Joseph learned faithfulness and humility in these roles in a way he had never learned when he was Jacob’s spoiled son. What did Joseph miss the most when he was sold into slavery? His father? His power? His wealth? His freedom?

What do you miss now that so much has been taken away? I’ve missed having dinner with friends. I’ve missed seeing people’s faces, being able to travel, going out to eat, worshiping with everyone each Sunday… the list goes on. A few weeks ago, we were asked to think about how God’s grace is abounding towards us in the last few months of leanness. When my wife and I discussed this, both of us brought up how important church and the Christian friends we’ve made here in the past few years have been to us. Friends and a church that has regularly reminded us in the past few months to look to Christ. Only He is enough. So as we look forward and, unlike Joseph, don’t know how much longer restrictions will continue, what can we hope in? What will give us purpose? As all of Joseph’s story teaches, Christ is with us and he will always be sufficient.

~Philip Noell